About Rick
Based in the heart of beautiful Austin, Texas, Rick Busby is a songwriter and spiritual teacher who is very active in the local music scene.

The Music
Learn more about Rick’s music projects and releases, including his latest installment “Strawberry Moon” now available from Private Angel Records.
“Pray” Featured In Month Long Streaming Peace Concert To Celebrate The Feast of St. Francis
I am honored to announce that the song "Pray," from my debut album Soul Diving, has been selected by the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity to be featured on their website in a month long, streaming peace concert throughout the month of October to celebrate the...
Download My New Single “Connected” & Help Me Help Atticus Records’ Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts
From now through the end of 2017, I am pledging 100% of the digital download sales of my new single "Connected," to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Written by my friend, Steve Callif, "Connected" is the perfect song for this kind of project. I am honored that Steve...
Soul Diving Podcast Debuting In August
In January 2016, The Atticus Report, a music podcast series produced by Atticus Records and co-hosted by songwriter-musician-producers, Rick Busby and Stephen Doster, debuted. Soon after, Busby began developing Soul Diving, a podcast series focusing on creativity as...